Avslutade auktioner liknande birds book
![The first large atlas with pictures of Danish birds C.E.J. Walter Nordisk Ornithologie [...]. 4 vols. With a total of 274 coloured plates. 2](https://bilder.xn--vadrdenvrd-s5af.se/1757782-the-first-large-atlas-with_300.jpg)
The first large atlas with pictures of Danish bird...
J.E.C. Walter: Nordisk Ornithologie, eller troværdige efter Naturen egenhændig tegnede, Stukne og colorerede Afbildninger af danske, færöiske, Grönlandske og islandske Fugle med tydsk og dansk Läs mer...
- 2015-02-03
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 70 000 DKK

Birds of Ceylon: Legge: A History of the Birds of ...
W. Vincent Legge: A History of the Birds of Ceylon. 2 vols. London 1880. Large 4to. Illustrated with map and 34 handcoloured plates of birds. Läs mer...
- 2013-10-01
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 38 000 DKK
![Wyatts birds C.W. Wyatt British Birds Being Coloured Illustrations [...]. 2 vols. London 1894. Complete with 67 hand coloured plates. 2](https://img.bruun-rasmussen.dk/g/BRFull/Arkiv/Online/1323/br_1197240_300x300.jpg)
Wyatt's birds: C.W. Wyatt: British Birds Being Col...
C.W. Wyatt: British Birds Being Coloured Illustrations [...]. 2 vols. London: William Wesley & Son 1894. 1st ed. Large 4to. Complete in 2 volumes with Läs mer...
- 2013-06-04
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 12 500 DKK

2+2 samt MAPP, Rudbecks Fågelboken/Book of Birds, Olof Rudbeck dy, René Coeckelberghs Bokförlag, Stockholm, 1986. Läs mer...
- 2013-08-28
- Bukowskis market
- 7 000 SEK

Rudbeck´s Book of birds in facsimile
RUDBECK´S BOOK OF BIRDS IN FACSIMILE. RUDBECK, OLOF THE YOUNGER / LÖWENDAHL, BJÖRN (ed.). Olof Rudbeck´s Book of Birds. A Facsimile of the Original Watercolours Läs mer...
- 2021-04-01
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- 3 200 SEK
Olof Rudbeck d.y.
Olof Rudbeck d.y., portfölj med planschverk samt två band Faksimilutgåva med 35 fågelplanscher, René Coeckelberghs Editioner 1988, oramade i pappkassett med kommentar av Gunnar Brusewitz Läs mer...
- 2023-11-22
- Bukowskis
- 3 200 SEK

Danish birds: Kjærbølling: Ornithologia Danica (...
Kjærbølling: Ornithologia Danica (calligraphed title). Cph 1851. Tall folio. With 104 + 2 sheets with hand coloured birds. As usal minor foxing. Annotated on flyleaf. Läs mer...
- 2014-04-01
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 3 000 DKK

Rudbeck´s Book of birds in facsimile
RUDBECK´S BOOK OF BIRDS IN FACSIMILE. RUDBECK, OLOF THE YOUNGER / LÖWENDAHL, BJÖRN (ed.). Olof Rudbeck´s Book of Birds. A Facsimile of the Original Watercolours Läs mer...
- 2021-02-28
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- 3 000 SEK

Rudbeck´s Book of birds in facsimile
RUDBECK´S BOOK OF BIRDS IN FACSIMILE. RUDBECK, OLOF THE YOUNGER / LÖWENDAHL, BJÖRN (ed.). Olof Rudbeck´s Book of Birds. A Facsimile of the Original Watercolours Läs mer...
- 2019-02-25
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- 2 800 SEK

Rudbeck´s Book of birds in facsimile
RUDBECK´S BOOK OF BIRDS IN FACSIMILE. RUDBECK, OLOF THE YOUNGER / LÖWENDAHL, BJÖRN (ed.). Olof Rudbeck´s Book of Birds. A Facsimile of the Original Watercolours Läs mer...
- 2018-05-13
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- 2 400 SEK